Joke’s on YOU


Meet my enemy, Satan. Yes, he exists. The Bible says so in John 10:10 “the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy”. His job, his occupation, his work is to actively oppose me. He is my adversary, foe, archenemy, rival, antagonist, thief and combatant. He seeks to harm or weaken me. He seeks my death and destruction. However, today the joke is on him.
He is at work to rob me of my personality, my position in life, my security, my peace, my happiness, my goals, my sanity, my identity and anything else he can take. When a thief robs someone he is up to no good and often uses lies and deception to get the job done. Actually the word thief is a Greek word, kleptes. This word this word describes a person with a persistent, neurotic impulse to steal. Think of the word kleptomania, which is a condition of not being able to resist the urge to steal or rob someone. Again, Satan’s job is to be persistent and relentless in accomplishing his goals. He works to wear me down. He uses deception to plant lies in your brain.

He is however a defeated foe. Jesus defeated him. He knows this and he is frantic about it. He has no real power. He has no position to win. He is a low life coward who knows he can’t win. He can’t accomplish any of his goals in my life unless I relinquish the power to him to do so.

Satan: You are defeated, overthrown, conquered, subdued, beat, defeated. You are a looser. You lack reticence and power to restrain me. You DID NOT WIN!

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